"The Football Game" (click image for larger view)
Best practices (click image for larger view)
Thinking Like a Designer is addressed to the author who will be working with a designer to produce a book or other printed document. It also has advice and suggestions that will be helpful for authors of electronic documents, too.
TLAD is a short book that covers the main issues that come up when you're working with a designer to get your book printed. What's the best time to get reviews? What can I do to speed things up? What are the best and worst kind of images files to use? Is there a recommended way to proofread?
Topics include:
Topics include:
- Interests (goals) and positions (methods)
- Description of the publication process
- Making a schedule and keeping on it
- Charts and graphs
- Talking to the designer about "aesthetic" things
- Costs
- Printing—on line or with a traditional printer
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